Borrowers may only check out items on their own card.
In situations where one patron (e.g. a spouse) would like to be authorized to collect requested items held by another, both patrons must first confirm this in person and in writing with a Library staff member. A note stating the name of the person who will pick up holds on your behalf will then be placed on the records of both patrons. This applies only to active hold requests, not additional checkouts on the card.
Loan periods
Books, audiobooks, DVDs and magazines may be renewed (2) two times. Technology devices and unique materials (games, kits, etc.) may be renewed once. Items may be renewed in person, by phone, or on-line at Items may not be renewed if they are reserved for another patron.
Reserved Materials
Items are reserved on the patron’s library record. Patrons will have 1 week from being notified to check out the material. Items not picked up in 1 week will be passed on to the next patron requesting them.
Materials Access
Borrowers may check out a maximum of 15 items. A maximum of 3 videos may be checked out per borrower. Other materials may also be limited to 3 items by any one author or 3 items by any one subject based on current demand. Parents are wholly responsible for monitoring the appropriateness of materials their children check out. The library will not restrict the circulation of materials based on age with the exception of videos. No one under the age of 18 will be allowed to check out videos unless the parent or legal guardian granted permission on the juvenile’s application card. Permission will be noted on the minor’s computer record. Reference material may be loaned overnight with the approval of the Branch Manager. Reference materials must be returned the next day. Materials located in the Genealogy Collection may only be checked out with special permission of the Branch Manager.
Inter-Library Loans
Hawkins County Library System participates in the statewide Inter-Library Loan service provided through TennShare. Regular library patrons are eligible to borrow books from hundreds of libraries across the state free of charge. Patrons are limited to three (3) ILL items at a time and must pay for any ILL items they lose or damage based on the lending libraries’ policies. Hawkins County Library System materials may be loaned to other libraries at the discretion of the Branch Manager. Some materials may be photocopied or scanned. Any fees associated with copies or scans will be provided and agreed to before the items are copied/scanned.
Computer Printing/Copies:
$1.00 per page. Max charge – $10.00
Scan to Email/Drive:
$1.00 per page. Max charge – $10.00
2” x 3.5” (Bus. Card) – $ .50 each
Full Page – $1.00 each
Used Books:
Used Audio Books, CDs, DVDs:
Replacement Library Card $2.00 per card
Notary Service $5.00 per stamp 12
Fines are charged only on days the library is open for business. Fines for overdue books, audiobooks, and magazines is $0.15 per item per day. Videos are $1.00 per day the library is open, per video, not to exceed $10.00 per video. The maximum overdue fine is $2.00 for a mass market paperback book, $2.00 each for periodicals, $5.00 each for regular books. An individual with fines totaling $5.00 or more or a parent who is responsible for children with $5.00 or more may not borrow materials until all fines and costs are paid.
Notice of overdue videos will be given within one day of the due date. Notice of other overdue materials will be given within one week of the due date. Notice may be given by telephone, E-Mail, postcard, or letter at the discretion of the Branch Manager. Materials not returned within one month of the date of the notice will be marked as lost and the patron assessed the cost of the item.
Tennessee Code Annotated (10-3-108) grants the Library Board the power to make and enforce rules providing penalties for loss of or injury to library property. Library users may be charged reasonable fines for late-returned materials and charged fees for special services.
Appropriate legal action may be taken at the discretion of the Hawkins County Library Board.
Lost or Damaged Materials
The Branch Director determines the condition of all materials. If library material is lost or damaged to the point it is unusable, the customer will be expected to pay the full price and may keep the damaged/lost material. If material is damaged and is still usable, a reasonable charge will be made by the patron and the material will continue to be circulated. If material is not returned or paid for, and its value is $5.00 or greater, the patron will not be allowed to check out any material.
The Hawkins County Library System offers proctoring for students taking exams, subject to staffing limitations. The TWRA Boating Safety Exam study materials are available at the libraries and patrons may use library computers to take this exam. H.B. Stamps Library’s Juno Altom Genealogy Room has Microfilm Readers and more than 500 rolls of microfilm of newspapers, court records and other information of interest to researchers, as well as many books and genealogies of local families. Guests are directed to the Hawkins County Genealogical and Historical Society also. The Church Hill and Surgoinsville libraries also have small collections of genealogical material.
Borrowers may only check out items on their own card.
In situations where one patron (e.g. a spouse) would like to be authorized to collect requested items held by another, both patrons must first confirm this in person and in writing with a Library staff member. A note stating the name of the person who will pick up holds on your behalf will then be placed on the records of both patrons. This applies only to active hold requests, not additional checkouts on the card.
Loan periods
- Books, audiobooks, magazines, technology devices, and unique materials (games, kits, etc.) are loaned for a period of fourteen (14) days.
- Videos are loaned for seven (7) days.
Books, audiobooks, DVDs and magazines may be renewed (2) two times. Technology devices and unique materials (games, kits, etc.) may be renewed once. Items may be renewed in person, by phone, or on-line at Items may not be renewed if they are reserved for another patron.
Reserved Materials
Items are reserved on the patron’s library record. Patrons will have 1 week from being notified to check out the material. Items not picked up in 1 week will be passed on to the next patron requesting them.
Materials Access
Borrowers may check out a maximum of 15 items. A maximum of 3 videos may be checked out per borrower. Other materials may also be limited to 3 items by any one author or 3 items by any one subject based on current demand. Parents are wholly responsible for monitoring the appropriateness of materials their children check out. The library will not restrict the circulation of materials based on age with the exception of videos. No one under the age of 18 will be allowed to check out videos unless the parent or legal guardian granted permission on the juvenile’s application card. Permission will be noted on the minor’s computer record. Reference material may be loaned overnight with the approval of the Branch Manager. Reference materials must be returned the next day. Materials located in the Genealogy Collection may only be checked out with special permission of the Branch Manager.
Inter-Library Loans
Hawkins County Library System participates in the statewide Inter-Library Loan service provided through TennShare. Regular library patrons are eligible to borrow books from hundreds of libraries across the state free of charge. Patrons are limited to three (3) ILL items at a time and must pay for any ILL items they lose or damage based on the lending libraries’ policies. Hawkins County Library System materials may be loaned to other libraries at the discretion of the Branch Manager. Some materials may be photocopied or scanned. Any fees associated with copies or scans will be provided and agreed to before the items are copied/scanned.
Computer Printing/Copies:
- Black/White – $ .25 per page
- Color – $1.00 per page
- Legal – $ .25 per page
$1.00 per page. Max charge – $10.00
Scan to Email/Drive:
$1.00 per page. Max charge – $10.00
2” x 3.5” (Bus. Card) – $ .50 each
Full Page – $1.00 each
Used Books:
- Mass Market Paperback – $ .25
- Trade Paperback – $ .50
- Hard Cover – $1.00
- New Release Hard Cover – $3.00
- Magazines – $ .25
- Religious – Free
Used Audio Books, CDs, DVDs:
- Audio Books on CD – $1.00
- DVDs – $1.00
- DVDs (Season) – $3.00
Replacement Library Card $2.00 per card
Notary Service $5.00 per stamp 12
Fines are charged only on days the library is open for business. Fines for overdue books, audiobooks, and magazines is $0.15 per item per day. Videos are $1.00 per day the library is open, per video, not to exceed $10.00 per video. The maximum overdue fine is $2.00 for a mass market paperback book, $2.00 each for periodicals, $5.00 each for regular books. An individual with fines totaling $5.00 or more or a parent who is responsible for children with $5.00 or more may not borrow materials until all fines and costs are paid.
Notice of overdue videos will be given within one day of the due date. Notice of other overdue materials will be given within one week of the due date. Notice may be given by telephone, E-Mail, postcard, or letter at the discretion of the Branch Manager. Materials not returned within one month of the date of the notice will be marked as lost and the patron assessed the cost of the item.
Tennessee Code Annotated (10-3-108) grants the Library Board the power to make and enforce rules providing penalties for loss of or injury to library property. Library users may be charged reasonable fines for late-returned materials and charged fees for special services.
Appropriate legal action may be taken at the discretion of the Hawkins County Library Board.
Lost or Damaged Materials
The Branch Director determines the condition of all materials. If library material is lost or damaged to the point it is unusable, the customer will be expected to pay the full price and may keep the damaged/lost material. If material is damaged and is still usable, a reasonable charge will be made by the patron and the material will continue to be circulated. If material is not returned or paid for, and its value is $5.00 or greater, the patron will not be allowed to check out any material.
The Hawkins County Library System offers proctoring for students taking exams, subject to staffing limitations. The TWRA Boating Safety Exam study materials are available at the libraries and patrons may use library computers to take this exam. H.B. Stamps Library’s Juno Altom Genealogy Room has Microfilm Readers and more than 500 rolls of microfilm of newspapers, court records and other information of interest to researchers, as well as many books and genealogies of local families. Guests are directed to the Hawkins County Genealogical and Historical Society also. The Church Hill and Surgoinsville libraries also have small collections of genealogical material.
Click here to view the By-Laws of Hawkins County Library System.